Children with poor motor coordination will show behaviors to avoid harder tasks.
Children who have Dyspraxia or poor motor coordination often appear behavioral.
Child with Proprioceptive (muscle and joint receptors) Dysfunction: if your child is showing these issues then OT and PT can help them gain improved motor coordination and therefore gain more confidence with educational and social skills!
Poor muscle tone: either too high or too low
deliberately runs into people, objects, jumps, dives into stuff, tackles people
stamp or slap feet onto ground while walking, walks with a bouncing gait
Kick his feet or heels against chair or floor, or desk
Bang sticks or objects on wall while walking, rubs against the wall
Rubs his hands on everything, bites or sucks fingers, cracks knuckles
Likes to be touched, hugged, rough and tumble play, swaddled,
rolled into bedding tightly
Chews on shirt, cuffs, strings, pencils, toys, and gum a lot
Poor motor planning, body awareness, position in space
Holds pencils or crayons too tight or too loose- closed web space grasp, hooking thumb or fingers, or whole hand grasp on writing utensils and feeding utensils.
messy eater, messy work
"Bull in a china shop", clumsy
Uses too much force, breaks objects frequently
Poor posture, slumps, sits on edge of chair with foot for support
Unable to balance on one foot for long periods of time (should do 10 seconds at 5 years easily)
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