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Home > Sensory Processing Disorders > Incoordination Disorder

Incoordination Disorder

Child with Proprioceptive (muscle and joint receptors) Dysfunction:

* Poor muscle tone: either too high or too low

* deliberately runs into people, objects, jumps, dives into stuff, tackle people

* stamp or slap feet onto ground while walking, walks with a bouncing gait

* Kick his feet or heels against chair or floor, or desk

*Bang sticks or objects on wall while walking, rubs against the wall

* Rubs his hands on everything, bite or suck fingers, crack knuckles

* Likes to be touched, hugged, rough and tumble play, swaddled, rolled into bedding tightly

* Chews on shirt, cuffs, strings, pencils, toys, and gum a lot

* Poor motor planning, body awareness, position in space

* Holds pencils or crayons too tight or too loose

* messy eater, messy work

* "Bull in a china shop"

* Uses too much force, breaks objects frequently

* Poor posture, slumps, sits on edge of chair with foot for support

* Unable to balance on one foot

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