> Biomedical Therapies
Biomedical TherapiesIt is best to find a biomedical doctor and follow their testing and recommendations. Locally in our area many families go to a previously DAN! (Defeat Autism Now) certified doctor (they stopped this certification recently) Dr. Bernui and Dr. Kalb are both in the Nashville area and are DAN certified. Below is the cliff notes and common recommendations from many of the experts on biomedical therapy. Also, the book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Depression, and Schizophrenia by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, MMedSci in neurology, and MMedsci in nutrition is the best read I have found recently and would highly recommend that you read to understand biomedically what is going on internally with childhood and many adult disorders. Autism Revolution is another wonderful book recently out by Harvard Press. Complementary and Alternative Medicine/Biomedical Therapies for ASD, Allergies, Asthma & ADHD Resources: Healing the New Childhood Epidemics by Dr. Bock, Eating for Autism & ADHD, and The Food Intolerance Bible & Healing and Preventing Autism by Dr. Kartzinel Step One: Testing: IgE, IgA, and IgG testing for food allergy and food sensitivity called the ELISA IgG or the FACTest called a Chemical Mediators from white blood cells test, both are clinically sound tests with ELISA used more widely than FACT. Remove all foods that child shows sensitivity to. Heavy Metal testing is a must as well: www.genovadiagnostics.com or www.europeanlaboratory.com find an MD to help with this. In TN Dr. Kalb in Cool Springs takes insurance google Dr. Kalb Cool Springs family medicine www.csfm.net or search on www.autismwebsite.com. Step two: Casein free diet (absolutely nothing with cows milk protein called casein in it) www.gfcfdiet.com or allergygrocer.com. May need to go gluten free if sensitivity shows in step one. Find other parents doing this for recipe ideas and where to shop locally! Casein Free in Middle TN facebook page has ideas for Cookeville area. Step 3: Healthy diet and exercise is a must. Eat a lot of veggies, healthy proteins (nuts, turkey, fish, chicken), fruit, and minimal processed foods. Use a vitamix or heavy duty mixer to make healthy smoothies with greens and fresh raw fruits. Dont eat anything with preservatives, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, etc. Feingold diet is a popular one, or Specific Carbohydrate Diet is good as well for children with hyperactivity or behavioral issues. Follow the HONEST FOOD GUIDE pyramid rather than the American food pyramid (Google this and it will come up, free color charts can be ordered as reminders on fridge). Minimize screen time (Nintendo, Game Boy, TV, computer time ) to less than 30 minutes a day. Being outside, playing games, playing sports, working in yard, biking, running, soccer, swimming, etc. are a must DAILY for children with ADHD. Step 4: Supplements are a must for anyone eating in America. Our foods are depleted of the nutrients they once had and you have to supplement the basics as follows: Omega 3/DHA: 1,000-2,000mg a day depending on wt. is usually recommend by MDs, read label or contact manufacturer for how much per weight of child. Make sure the fish oil is purified and refined and free of contamination from ocean. Cod Liver Oil: very essential for OCD, mood disorders, and sensory processing issues. Follow label closely, and do not overdose on Vitamin A. Magnesium glycinate: 200-400 mg am and pm (2 times a day) this is taken even better if you can get it with calcium and zinc and B-6 for better absorption. Magnesium salt baths are nice to before bed (Epsom salts) for calming. Magnesium is essential for mood, anxiety, constipation, muscle aches, appetite control, methylation and sulfation for heavy metals, and calming effects. Vitamin C and D3 are essential and most children do not get enough from their diets or enough sunshine. Casein free probiotics are usually essential in the beginning when healing the gut. Others recommended: GABA, Taurine, Glycine, Tyrosine and 5HTP are often recommended. Sleep Issues continue after above: Melatonin and Taurine for poor sleep if above protocols do not help sleep. Make sure children get at least 9-10 hrs of sleep a night and are in a good sleep/wake routine, poor sleep alone can cause ADHD! Dr. David Perlmutter, M.D., F.A.C.N. Neurologist Recommendations from the text, Raise a Smarter Child by Kindergarten and raise IQ by 30 points, how to treat ADHD, have a smarter more focused child... Great book! 1. Diet and Nutrition rich in good proteins, DHA, purified water, organic fruits and veggies, and lean protein foods and little to no cows milk or gluten in diet for nursing Mom or children at any age. No artificial colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, nitrates, etc. Nothing artificial or words you dont understand should be in your foods. Limit fast food intake dramatically. Limit processed food intake. NO artificial sugars or dyes. 2. Limit TV, screen time, and video games to NONE before age 3 and limit to 30 minutes a day after that. Near focus time should be limited to educational needs on computer and at school, not for fun. Video games should be movement based and NEVER violent. Limit to 30 minutes as a privilege that is earned¬ given freely. 3. Formal musical training before age 4 and classical music. 4. Low stress environment is vital to a childs emotional, physical, and mental health and their IQ! 5. Dont drill rote memory skills into a childs brain. Create a love for learning environment where a child can learn, explore, have questions, and even make mistakes&but learn from their mistakes and have a love of learning. Let them learn it is okay to take intellectual risks&and learn from it. Children need to feel like they are succeeding¬ failing all the time. 6. Feed the brain myelin for faster connections, more focus, and prune the excessive connections by repetition, DHA daily, purified water daily, and lots of calming touch inputs. Research shows that children who are raised in a loving environment full of loving touch with hugs, etc. have a higher IQ. Memory is enhanced by deep pressure touch (massage, vibration, hugs). 7. Decrease any fight or flight responses with sensory diet inputs. 8. No lights or TV in room when sleeping- any light source at night, especially a TV decreases melotonin production in the brain&you need this neurotransmitter to have good sleep cycles! 9. Supplement as needed with DHA, good multivitamin, iron & iodine levels checked. 10. Goat milk based formulas best if you cannot breast feed. 11. Watch intake of sugars, especially high fructose, sucrose, dextrose, maltose or any ose sugar. These contain excitotoxins that cross the blood brain barrier disrupting production of important neurotransmitters and promote free radical damage to brain cells. 12. Get the Better Brain Profile from Genova Diagnostics done asap if your child is having ADHD, Autism, Learning disorder, behavior issues, etc. to test blood and for food sensitivities go to: www.GenovaDX.com or call 828-210-7433. Includes testing for food sensitivities, level of brain fats including DHA, etc. 13. Research alternative vaccine schedules Dr. Mercola and Dr. Sears have good websites and books with examples of alternative schedules that are Thimerosal free and low Aluminum content and which ones are necessary. 14. Prevent and treat ADHD, ASD, allergies, Asthma by: DHA, correct diet and nutrition (casein free, gluten free, additive free diet), no excitotoxins in their diet (i.e. artificial colors, preservatives, sweeteners, MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and artificial sweeteners), limit screen time to only educational computer games and NO VIDEO GAMES, check for food sensitivities, intercellular vitamin analysis (www.spectracell.com), check vision regularly and get vision therapy if needed from a Board Certified Developmental Optometrist (COVD), and check auditory processing. Supplement children with ADHD with DHA, Kids Brain Sustain (www.kidsBrainSustain.com), whole food childrens multivitamin, play board games and PE like games often, sports are vital, music lessons, and listening therapies (www.advancedbrain.com). 15. EXERCISE daily with high aerobic exercise at least 30-60 minutes a day! 16. More info: www.yoursmartchild.com, www.smartDHA.com, www.kidsbrainsustain.com, www.spectracell.com, www.genovadx.com
Why Exercise? Why swing, jump, run, play sports, and MOVE? — SPARK — One of the best books I have read to understand why proprioceptive and vestibular inputs have such a powerful and therapeutic effect is the book: SPARK The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain Supercharge your mental circuits to beat stress, sharpen thinking, lift your mood, boost your memory, and much more. By John J. Ratey, MD 2008 — Exercise for your BRAIN — Research has proven that exercise calms the brain, increases our stress threshold, improves learning, and can be preventative in hippocampus pruning ! — Internal Brain Anti-oxidants called BDNF, FGF-2, and VEGF are all generated by muscle contractions to support neurons and connections. — Exercise increases neurotransmitters vital to learning and attention, good sleep cycles, and mood like dopamine and serotonin. — Exercise has been scientifically proven to be more effective than antidepressant drugs in several studies — Exercise and ADHD — Dopamine and norepinephrine regulate the attention system exercise helps increase these neurotransmitters. — New receptors are grown with exercise for these NTs — New dopamine receptors in the basal ganglia — Exercise that stimulates the cerebellum helps decrease fidgeting, motor coordination, and therefore attention and focus. — Exercise helps to regulate the Amygdala in the Limbic system so that we dont overreact to new stimuli. — Exercise and the Brain — Prefrontal cortex helps us have control over impulses and keep our attention. — A 2006 study from the University of IL used MRI scans showing that as little as walking for exercise 3 times a week showed increased volume of the prefrontal cortex. — Intracellular effect of dopamine and norepinephrine in the prefrontal cortex helps boost the synaptic signal and quality while decreasing the static of the neuron chatter (irrelevant signals) according to Yale University scientists. — Macrophages increase in number and appetite with brain damage to clean up. What makes macrophages work better? Movement, joint input, deep pressure touch! — Thought to Ponder You can have good neurotransmitter levels but without the appropriate connections then the signal is frazzled, unclear, or even lost. Think about a row of Christmas tree lights&the electricity is ready (like neurotransmitters), but you plug in an old set of lights that need repair, the cord is loose and several of the bulbs are out (synaptic connections and areas of processing). The result is a poor signal and pathetic looking lights! — How do you improve brain connections? — If neurotransmitter levels are normal (MD can test for these levels and should) but client is still displaying SPD symptoms, dyspraxia, poor attention, or even mood disorder then a good exercise and nutrition plan may be the answer. — Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is released when you exercise or move muscles and joints! — BDNF strengthens the myelin sheath along with Essential Fatty Acids from Fish Oil Fish oil or Omega 3s and WATER make the myelin sheath and FEED IT!!!!!! WOW! — Miracle Grow for the Brain — BDNF protects neurons against cortisol in areas the control mood and memory in the hippocampus. — Miracle Grow of the brain, encourages neurons to connect to one another and grow making it vital for neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. — BDNF also turns on genes to produce more NTs and neurotrophins. — Stops pruning and self destructive cellular activity — Releases brain anti-oxidants — Provides the proteins uses as building material for axons and dendrites. — Neurotransmitters- The Chemicals that fertilize our brain! 1. Human touch increases nerve growth factor 2. Glutamate & ACH- 80% of signaling carried out by these 2 NT that are critical for learning and build on memory. 3. GABBA in the CEREBELLUM to turn the volume down on sensations. Inhibitory chemical and responds directly to PROPRIOCEPTION (joint input). 4. Biogenic Amines- make it possible for our cells to learn! 5. Dopamine- volitional motor activity and activates us to move. The just right amount helps us to focus, attend, and concentrate on things. Pressure touch and movement increase nerve growth factor and dopamine.
— Serotonin — Serotonin- master modulator for all the other neurochemicals in the brain. Helps with the filter pathways and keeps other chemicals in line. — Mediates dopamine- reigns on the race horse. — Stress depletes serotonin levels. — SSRIs prevent the reuptake of Serotonin&some this work for, some this causes more depression and suicidal thoughts&rather get it naturally then artificially. — Remember&you can have plenty of NTs but poor connections, may be why SSRIs work for few. — More on Serotonin — WORKING MEMORY comes from serotonin! 5-7 thoughts at the same time. — Serotonin is greatly affected by sleep, getting deep sleep, enough sleep, and nutrition and hydration! — Mastering something (learning something new ) or natural light or the color green of nature can also increase a small dose of serotonin. — Proprioception increases serotonin. Helps nerve growth factor to be released. — Remember BDNGF-Brain derived nerve growth factor also comes joint and muscle inputs. — Norepinephrine — Norepinephrine- attention chemical and aggression part of sympathetic nervous system (the fight of fight, flight, fright) — Selective attention based in hippocampus and surface of the cerebral cortex. — Increased with movement activity helping increase attention — HISTAMINE is a NEUROTRANSMITTER — Histimine- Conductor of the chemical orchestra within the brainstem. — You need this to be at the right level! — Different nuances of behavior for relaxed, activated, focused, relaxed and focused. — Irritation causes release which in turn effects the orchestra of all the biogenic amines. — Allergies can cause a vicious circle of being off beat. Increase your serotonin, get an IgG and IgA food sensitivity test, and GET OFF ANTIHISTAMINES, you need some level of histamine for attention and good social skills! — The Power of Touch and Movement — Stimulation of peripheral nerves (especially vibration or pressure touch receptors) gives strong Epicritic sensation which is calming and organizing. — Activation of the serotonergic system (serotonin release) more with joint and muscle inputs — Inhibition of the afferent Protocritic Sympathetic Nervous System responses for a calmer reaction or more cortical response to inputs. — Modulation of efferent pain messages — Enhance GABBA chemistry enhancing the filtering effect of the cerebellum — More reasons for touch and movement — Pressure touch enhances the parasympathetic system to counteract sympathetic firing and clear stress reactions and chemicals! — Pressure touch enhances pleasure chemistry in the limbic areas associated with dopamine — Physical movement and exercise release NTs and neurotropins which are fertilizers to the brain! — Want to learn more about NTs? — Another great resource to learn more about the scientific and neurological basis for sensory integration theory is to attend the courses by: — Evaluation and Tx of Sensory Processing Disorder by Laura Barker — [email protected] or www.sensoryprocessing.com — #734-516-4009
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