Center of Development www.developmentaldelay.net
SLP Parent Questionnaire
In order to allow more time to the assessment of your child, it would be appreciated if you would complete the following information.
Child's Name: Date of Birth: Grade:
Social Security Number: Insurance ID:
Parents or Guardian Name(s):
Home Address:
School and address: Grade:
Teacher: Special Education Teacher:
Therapist(s) please specify where, how long and how often therapy performed:
Occupational: Physical:
Medical Doctor(s): Phone#
Any Precautions such as SEIZURES, Special Diet, etc? :__________________________________
Developmental History
Birth weight _____ Lbs. ____Oz. Birth order: first child, second, third, more...
Premature? No Yes amount premature
Normal delivery Caesarean Forceps
Medicated or Natural Birth:____________________________________________________________
Any complications baby?______________________________________________________________
Any complications mother?____________________________________________________________
Normal weight gain (baby)? No Yes
Did child crawl on hands and knees? No Yes
Did child bottom shuffle instead of crawling ? No Yes
At what age did child: crawl (on belly)_______ creep (on hands and knees)_______
were these patterns normal?___________________________________________________
walk: ___Yrs ____Mo first words: ___Yrs ____Mo first sentence: ____Yrs ____Mo
button clothes: ___Yrs ___Mo tie shoes: ___Yrs ___Mo use scissors:____ Yrs ____Mo
definitely become left or right handed: ____Yrs ___Mo use zipper ______Yrs ____ Mo
feed self with spoon_____________ feed self with fork__________ dress alone:____________
Child's preferred hand: left right
Did child have any severe reactions to any immunizations? No Yes
Any change in behavior after immunizations? No Yes
Child's coordination normal for age? No Yes
Does child/student have difficulty with motor coordination, fine motor movements, self help?__________________________________________________________________________
Does child crave excessive amounts of movement, touch, or have other difficulties with sensations?
Additional information on medical history, development, and coordination:
General Health
Medical diagnosis(s):_________________________________________________________________
Any serious illness requiring hospitalization? No Yes
Any medications: No Yes Please list with amounts:
Any recurrent ear problems? No Yes How many infections per year: ________________________
Any tubes in ears? No Yes at age:__ Yrs ___Mo
Any high fevers (105+) for more than 48 hrs? No Yes
Speech and Language Development
Has your child had his/her hearing screened? Yes No If yes, were the results Pass or Fail
Any family history of hearing difficulties/surgeries? Yes No If yes, please explain
Any family history of speech/ language difficulties? Yes No If yes, please explain
Any family history of eating/swallowing difficulties? Yes No If yes, please explain __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What are your speech/language/eating goals for your child? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Visual History
First comprehensive eye exam (not school screening)? __Yrs ___Mo
Most recent eye exam date? __________
Were spectacles prescribed? No Yes
Any eye patching prescribed? No Yes, how long: __Yrs ___Mo
Any eye surgeries? No Yes
Does one eye turn in or out? No Yes, first noticed when (eg eating, drawing, reading):_________________________________________________________________________
Any excessive eye rubbing? No Yes
Does child turn head when reading or writing? No Yes
Does child have difficulty with (please explain):
Favorite subject or activity:__________________________________________________________________________
Any additional questions or concerns:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Guardian's Signature__________________________________________
Please fill out attached Sensory Processing & Motor Control Questionnaire as well if attached!
Release for Center of Development, PLLC
(Dr. Jason Clopton, Heidi Clopton, OTR/L, Carolyn Bennett, OTR/L Barbara Barlow, COTA, Terri Lee Gleason, OTR/L, Lisa Wood, COTA, Shelley Gardner, PT, Kathryn Gregory CCC-SLP, or those specified by this office) under HIPPA guidelines to record and review any and all patient examination or therapy sessions for the exclusive purpose of:
Parent review, patient review, case studies, presentations to other medical or medical related professionals, documentation or other purposes. (This information will not be used or sold under the HIPPA guidelines and our office privacy rules)
Signature of patient (or guardian if minor):________________________
Written name of patient:______________________________________
Written name of guardian:____________________________________
Center of Vision Development, PLLC
I understand that in an attempt to protect the privacy of my identifiable health information, Center of Vision Development and Centers of Development has established a Privacy Policy and guidelines for Privacy Practices within their office. This information details the use and/or disclosure of information contained in my personal medical/optometric records kept for the purposes of diagnosis, treatment, payment and health care operations. In accordance with HIPAA Regulations, a copy of the CENTER OF VISION DEVELOPMENT and CENTERS OF DEVELOPMENT Privacy Policy & Practices has been made available to me while in the office today. Should I choose to have a personal copy, one will be given to me at no charge.
I have read, understand and acknowledge the Privacy Policy & Practices of Center of Vision Development, PLLC and Centers of Development, PLLC.
This notice is effective as of _______________________ . This authorization will expire seven years after the date on which you last received services from us.
____________________________ ______________________________
Patient or parent Signature Patient Written Name
Authorized Provider Representative
Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Behavioral Therapies
931-372-2567 toll free 1-877-372-2567 www.developmentaldelay.net email covd@covd.biz
MD Orders for:
Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, or Behavior Therapy Evaluation and Treatment
Patients Name:
Phone Number:
Medical Diagnosis:
ICD-9 Codes:
MD Order (to be filled out by Primary Care Physician) for OT, SLT, or BT evaluation and treatment: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
MD Signature: ________________________ Date: _______________
Authorization # _____________________________________________
MD Address: ______________________________________________
MD Phone #: _______________________________________________
Please fax these orders to COD at: 931-372-2572 and the insurance company to help with coverage and pre-authorization of Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, or Behavior Therapy evaluation and treatment. Thank you! |
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