If you are interested in making an appointment please contact our office at 931-372-2567, you can also email us at [email protected] or [email protected] When contacting our office please have the following information ready: Parent/guardian name Address Phone number Social security number Date of birth Patients’ name Social security number Date of birth Also any other contact information such as cell phone, work phone or email address. We will mail you a packet of information to be filled out by the parent/guardian and returned to our office. We will not schedule any appointments for Occupational therapy, Physical therapy, Speech Therapy, Music Therapy or Behavioral therapy until the entire packet is completed and returned to our office. Once the packet is returned we will place your child on a waiting list for next available evaluation opening. Please understand that we receive a large number of referrals and usually have a waiting list for evaluations and therapies. We will do everything in our power to see you child in a timely manner but ask for your patience as we have a limited number of opening and a large number of families requesting services. Thank you |
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